GREAT/GRAND Community Forum

The AAMC is providing these forums as a platform for sharing important policy updates and other timely information with the GREAT and GRAND communities. Topics are selected by AAMC staff with input from the GREAT and GRAND Steering Committees, and suggestions are invited from the membership.

Please send topic suggestions to the AAMC team at


Rebekah Corlew, PhD, AAMC Director of Constituent Engagement for Research Education and Women in Medicine and Science. 
Dr. Corlew is the constituent engagement director and contact for the GREAT group, GRAND, and GWIMS.

  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    Join us for an update on key NIH policies for the extramural research and research training community.

    Join Mike Lauer, MD, NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research, for an update on key NIH policies for the extramural research and research training community. Along with general NIH updates, Dr. Lauer will address how the NIH is responding to the coronavirus pandemic, including:

    • A recap of NIH administrative flexibilities for research impacted by COVID-19
    • Considerations for when labs begin reopening
    • The recently announced NIH/FNIH public-private partnership
    • Other ways Academic Medicine Centers can respond to Covid-19
    • How the pandemic has affected other NIH priorities, such as foreign government influence and addressing sexual harassment

    Dr. Lauer welcomes discussion during a question and answer period to follow the presentation.
    You may also submit questions ahead of time to Amanda Field, PhD, AAMC Senior Science Policy Specialist, at

    The AAMC looks forward to providing this platform for interaction with the GREAT and GRAND communities on these and future topics. Please send topic suggestions to Amanda Field (above).

  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    Join Hershel Alexander, PhD, AAMC Director of Data Operations and Services, for a discussion on AAMC data resources.

    If you have not already registered, please register to view the recording.

    Join Hershel Alexander, PhD, AAMC Director of Data Operations and Services, for a discussion on AAMC data resources. Dr. Alexander will provide an overview of selected AAMC data resources that may be of interest to the biomedical science community for research, evaluation, policy, and advocacy purposes. The presentation will cover descriptions of how to access AAMC data and what data are available, including:

    • Compensation data on residents, faculty, chiefs, chairs, deans, and medical school and hospital administrators 
    • Research, instructional, care, administrative, financial, and other data about medical schools and teaching hospitals from data collections such as the annual LCME surveys, the Operations Management Survey, and the Hospital Operations and Finance Survey
    • Applicant, student, and resident data from data collections such as MCAT, AMCAS, Student Records System (SRS), student surveys, ERAS, and GME Track 
    • Academic, employment, and demographic data on medical school faculty from data collections such as the Faculty Roster

    We welcome discussion during a question and answer period to follow the  presentation on whatever topics might be of interest, including your recommendations for how to improve AAMC data collections and data reports.

    You may also submit questions ahead of time to Amanda Field, PhD, AAMC Senior Science Policy Specialist, at

    The AAMC looks forward to providing this platform for interaction with the GREAT and GRAND communities on these and future topics. Please send topic suggestions to Amanda Field (above).
