Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register for a webinar?
All AAMC webinar live events and recordings require free registration. Select the webinar you’d like to access and sign in using your existing AAMC Account or follow prompts to create an AAMC Account to complete your registration. Your AAMC Account is a username and password that you select to manage your access, not just to AAMC webinars, but also to other AAMC products and services as appropriate.
How do I access a webinar?
After signing in with your AAMC Account, visit your Dashboard page to find all your available webinars. You will also receive email reminders in advance of your webinar with a link to the program.
How do I change the password for my AAMC Account?
If you forgot your password and need to reset it to register for or access a webinar, follow the link above at right for “Sign in to AAMC Account” and then select “Forgot your password?” To change your password proactively, visit My Account: Account Security after signing in.
How do I update my regular time zone for live events and why is this important?
Once you are signed in, click on the link to your Profile in the menu at the top left. Select your time zone and save your change. Once your time zone is set, the registration site will display the webinar times at the appropriate time for your location.
What are the technical requirements for accessing a webinar?
AAMC webinars use the Zoom Webinar platform. You must access the webinar with a browser that supports HTML5. We recommend using the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Edge or Safari. To confirm that you are ready to participate, please test your browser before joining the webinar, or review the more detailed Troubleshooting Guide.
What if I'm having issues logging in with my AAMC
username and password?
For help with your AAMC Account, you can call or email
Member Services at 202-862-6239 or memberservice@aamc.org. Additional
information can also be found here on the Account Help Site.
What do I do if I'm having issues with Zoom?
If you can sign in with your AAMC account but are encountering issues with registering for a webinar or issues with Zoom,
email aamc@commpartners.com
for assistance.
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