MedBiquitous Community Connection - 2023

“MedBiquitous Community Connection” is a series of free one-hour webinars featuring health professions educators and technology innovators from around the globe. “MedBiquitous Community Connection” provides a forum for community experts to share how digital technologies are promoting improvement and better outcomes across the continuum of health professions education. A portion of each webinar will reserve time for a brief Q&A session, allowing attendees the opportunity to dialogue with guest speakers.

  • Contains 2 Component(s) Recorded On: 07/18/2023

    “MedBiquitous Community Connection” is a series of free one-hour webinars featuring health professions educators and technology innovators from around the globe.

    In October 2020, the MedBiquitous program sponsored the Community Action Planning for Educational Technology Interoperability in Health Professions (CAPETIHP) workshop in collaboration with WGEA CRIME to explore the topic of interoperability and data standards with members of the health professions education (HPE) community.

    Three themes rose to the surface through consensus building during the workshop and concluded with attendees volunteering to participate in one of three newly formed Community Action Planning (CAP) working groups:

    • CAP Data Standards and Interoperability
    • CAP Leadership and Governance
    • CAP Vendor Relationships

    Since the 2020 workshop, these three working groups have met monthly to further conversation around their identified themes, survey the HPE community, and coalesce feedback into a series of resources to share back with the HPE community.

    This webinar will showcase the community tools created to support your work toward advancing interoperability and data standards.

    “MedBiquitous Community Connection” is a series of free one-hour webinars featuring health professions educators and technology innovators from around the globe. “MedBiquitous Community Connection” provides a forum for community experts to share how digital technologies are promoting improvement and better outcomes across the continuum of health professions education. A portion of each webinar will reserve time for a brief Q&A session, allowing attendees the opportunity to dialogue with guest speakers.

    Gia DiGiacobbe, MBA, PMP

    Director of Curriculum Design and Implementation

    Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine

    Helen Macfarlane, MA

    Director of Educational Technology & Instructional Design

    University of Colorado School of Medicine

    Irina Russell, PhD

    Director of Education Analytics

    Stanford University School of Medicine

    Julie Youm, PhD

    Director of Educational Technology

    University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine