GBA/GIP Virtual Programming: The Hub – Innovative Shared Workspace - Pre, During and Post Pandemic for Clinical Faculty - October 31

Recorded On: 10/31/2022

At the start of 2019, the Anschutz Medical Campus had a space deficit of 245 offices in its accommodation of full-time clinical faculty. Our previous model of providing clinical faculty members with dedicated individual or shared offices had proven to be unsustainable. A strategy of leasing space off campus for this purpose proved to be even less fiscally prudent. The Hub project has allowed CU Anschutz to provide a successful shared work environment designed to foster collaboration, cross-disciplinary communication, and faculty wellbeing, while simultaneously increasing overall occupant capacity (FTE/GSF) within an existing facility. The Hub exemplifies a new, more flexible workplace modality more in tune with the zeitgeist of a 21st Century open and shared work-space culture.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recount the successful example of an innovative shared workspace solution to clinical faculty office space deficits. Navigate the process involved in formulating, achieving buy-in, and ultimately actualizing the solution.
  • Discuss lessons learned, how real-time changes were made or adjusted in response to COVID and faculty needs, and how to pull from operations and work models for other user groups.
  • Access CU Anschutz Hub success metrics; allowing leadership at other academic medical institutions to have the confidence to begin to implement similar space strategies.

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Terri Carrothers

Executive Vice Chancellor of Administration & Finance
Chief Financial Officer
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

John Moore, MBA

Associate Dean, Administration & Finance
University of Colorado School of Medicine

Suzann Staal, M.Arch

Director of Planning and Facilities
University of Colorado School of Medicine

Christopher Smith, MBA

Vice Chancellor of Information Strategy & Services
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus


The AAMC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE sponsors through its website:

Attendance at this webinar will provide 1 hour of Continuing Professional Education credits in the areas of Business Management and Organization. The program level for this meeting is basic. The delivery method is Group-Internet. No prerequisites or advance preparation is required. For more information regarding AAMC administrative policies, please contact Heather Sacks at

After completing this webinar, you will be able to:  

  • Recount the successful example of an innovative shared workspace solution to clinical faculty office space deficits. Navigate the process involved in formulating, achieving buy-in, and ultimately actualizing the solution.
  • Discuss lessons learned, how real-time changes were made or adjusted in response to COVID and faculty needs, and how to pull from operations and work models for other user groups.
  • Access CU Anschutz Hub success metrics; allowing leadership at other academic medical institutions to have the confidence to begin to implement similar space strategies.

You will be issued 1 credit for every 50 minutes you spend participating in a session. Partial credits will be given after the first credit is issued.

Components visible upon registration.