A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Peer Review: Insights From Editors and Reviewers - April 18

Recorded On: 04/18/2024

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Speakers who hold roles as editors and reviewers will present an overview of the peer-review process, provide practical advice on how to conduct a meaningful peer review, and give insights into writing reviewer comments that will be both useful to editors and actionable for authors. The advice shared will be applicable to journal submissions as well as conference abstracts.

Anthony R. Artino Jr., PhD
Associate Dean for Educational Research
George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Michael Cameron
Staff Editor, Academic Medicine and MedEdPORTAL
Association of American Medical Colleges

Heeyoung Han, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Medical Education
Director of Faculty Affairs and Director of the Medical Education Research Fellowship Program
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine

Laura Weingartner, PhD
Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Medical Education
Research Director, Health Professions Education
University of Louisville School of Medicine

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