A Discussion with MedBiquitous Luminary Dr. Rosalyn Scott - February 16

Dr. Scott’s webinar on Feb. 16 will focus on the influence MedBiquitous has had on her development and design of simulation-based education for both the healthcare team and patients. As a prelude to her personal story and in honor of Black History month, Dr. Scott will introduce the collective memory of the healing arts among African-Americans which led her to become the first female African-American cardiothoracic surgeon. Her recent academic interests have focused on educational technologies and simulation. Dr. Scott will describe her strategies to develop the first regional simulation program in the VA, which included both mobile, virtual and center-based activities targeting basic training, professional development and patient education. She will conclude with a vision for how MedBiquitous standards could lead to a digital ecosystem supporting simulation-based health professions education designed to achieve and maintain competence and provide an adaptive curriculum for the individual learner.

“MedBiquitous Community Connection” is a series of free one-hour webinars featuring health professions educators and technology innovators from around the globe. “MedBiquitous Community Connection” provides a forum for community experts to share how digital technologies are promoting improvement and better outcomes across the continuum of health professions education. A portion of each webinar will reserve time for a brief Q&A session, allowing attendees the opportunity to dialogue with guest speakers.

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Dr. Rosalyn Scott

Professor of Surgery

Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science

Rosalyn P. Scott, MD, MSHA, is a nationally recognized expert in the implementation of simulation technologies for both professional and patient education. She is a recipient of the Under Secretary for Health Excellence in Clinical Simulation Training, Education, and Research Practice Award for her innovative work in Veterans Affairs. As Co-chair of MedBiquitous’ Competencies Working Group, she led the development of ANSI-accredited XML standards and supporting guidelines for competency and performance data. A graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York University School of Medicine and University of Colorado College of Business, Dr. Scott has held key faculty positions in both colleges of medicine and engineering. She is currently consulting with Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science as they develop an independent medical education program in their College of Medicine.

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